Occupational Therapy - Fertility and Postnatal

Melissa Myers, OT

When you’re struggling to conceive it is normal to forget about all the meaningful roles and activities that make up your identity. Fertility treatments can take a toll on self-care, work, relationships, and social activities; as a result, it can be a very isolating process. As a mental health OT, Melissa  can help reclaim that identity by providing strategies to cope with the stressors associated with fertility and having the understanding of the connection between mental and physical health. Additionally to supporting women through infertility, Melissa can also support women who are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and anxious once they become mothers. It can be challenging with this new role to be able to juggle all of life’s responsibilities. Learning how to find balance, set realistic expectations, and communicate effectively are just some skills that can be addressed in sessions. Melissa works with individuals and facilitates groups out of the West Island Therapy & Wellness Centre. Sometimes, it can be difficult to get out of your house and so also does home visits (if deemed appropriate).