Summary of What You Will Learn

Prenatal classes will equip you with a thorough understanding of what is to come, how to make good decisions in labour, and boost your confidence for this next stage of life. Classes are taught in a practical and honest way, giving you a solid roadmap for labour and life at home with your baby. We will cover everything from coping strategies for pain to how babies sleep, and everything in between. Check out the class summaries below for an indepth look at what we cover in each class. 

All classes are engaging, evidence-based, non-judgemental, designed to explore your options and frank. 

In-person classes allow you to meet other expectant parents and take a pause from your daily life to focus on becoming a parent. 

Special pricing is available for single parents or anyone needing a reduced cost. 

Class 1

Uncomplicated birth: Exploring the natural process of birth

3rd trimester - What to expect as you near the end

Hormones and progression of labour

Coping with labour

Comfort measures

Class 2

Options in childbirth: what to know as decisions need to be made

Hospital routines

Pain relief


Caesarian birth

Your rights

Making decisions

Birth plan

Class 3

Feeding: everything about breast and bottle feeding

First feed

First week


Feeding options

How a partner can help

Class 4

Baby care & Family organization: caring for the whole family in the first weeks

Basic baby care and concerns

Physical  recovery



Postpartum mood disorders